What is ‘3 Cheers for Pre-K’?
Three Cheers for Pre-K helps prepare young learners for Kindergarten. Skills-based experiences and purposeful play initiate learning around quality children’s literature. Learning is fun and effective with multisensory activities and stimulating interactive digital content.
What is ‘Second Step’?
Second Step is a classroom-based social skills program for pre-K students designed to reduce impulsive, high-risk, and aggressive behaviors while facilitating and improving children’s social competence and other protective factors.
Integrated Classrooms
Classrooms are small, integrated and designed to meet the needs of three- and four-year-old students. Peer partners and students with disabilities learn side-by-side. Research suggests that an integrated model has important implications for both groups of children. All children learn acceptance, sensitivity and positive social interactions and learn to work and play together in a community reflective of the real world.